2012年3月22日 星期四

波隆那兒童書展 台灣插畫與入圍新人蘇意傑深受注目

波隆那兒童書展321舉辦波隆那插畫獎頒獎儀式,今年共選出72位入圍插畫家,其中的新人大獎由來自瑞士的雙人創作組合Evelyne LaubeNina Wehrle獲得。但在72位入選者中,來自台灣的蘇意傑以作品《Cycle》入圍,是繼鄒駿昇、吳興惠、陳盈帆之後,再度有台灣插畫家在國際嶄露頭角。

今年度全世界共有來自60個國家、2685件作品報名參選;大會邀請了包括日本插畫家荒井良二、義大利插畫家Chiara Carrer 、法國國家圖書館童書推廣部Anne-Laure Cognet、波蘭童書出版人Magdalena Klos和英國Walker Books出版集團Elisabeth Wood等各個不同專業領域的人士組成評審團,最後選出72位入圍者。在頒獎儀式前舉辦的講評,評審們一致表達在技巧之外,如何以有限的畫面表現自我、傳達訊息,還能發掘人心,才是評估作品好壞最重要的原則。






2012年3月21日 星期三

第49屆義大利波隆那兒童書展 台灣館熱鬧開幕

今年度台灣館的設計以「東方小美人──台灣好好玩」(The Little Beauty from TaiwanFun Adventure)為主題,以活潑、多元的方式,呈現台灣繪本與動漫作品兼具創造力與想像力的特色。現場除分區展示已授權出版品、新鮮書、數位內容/互動出版品外,以國內著名焦點插畫家幾米、陳致元、漫畫家小莊和2011年波隆那插畫新人獎得主鄒駿昇的作品圖像大型裝置展,風格鮮明、各具特色,成為台灣館最令人注目的焦點。
19日下午舉行的台灣館開幕式,由我國駐義大利辦事處代表賴建中主持,與會的國際人士包括法蘭克福書展主席Jurgen Boos、美國Publisher Weekly雜誌發行人George Slowik、美國Combined Book Exhibit總裁Jon Malinowski、捷克書展主席Dana Kalinova,以及澳洲、比利時、法國和芬蘭等各國出版協會和代表,對於台灣館的表現都給予高度評價;波隆那書展執行長Roberta Chinni更讚揚台灣館兼具美感與豐富,為大會增色不少。
除了在台灣館的展示外,來自台灣的意象也在今年度的波隆那書展會場四處延伸。例如鄒駿昇以去年新人獎得主的身分受邀在大會舉行作品個展;他最新的繪本作品《小錫兵》由西班牙最重要的SM Foundation出版集團發行西班牙語版,並在本屆波隆那書展舉行新書發表會。此外,台灣另一位青年插畫家蘇意傑的作品「Cycle」在全球數千件應選作品中脫穎而出,入圍今年度的「非故事類」插畫獎項,作品與其他入圍者共同在大會聯展。我國駐義大利代表賴建中表示,台灣不僅在經濟、科技等方面有長足發展,台灣的創作者在波隆那書展如此重要的國際場合發光發亮,足以證明台灣在文創方面的豐沛實力已得到肯定。


波隆那兒童書展台灣館 新人獎得主鄒駿昇發表新作《小錫兵》


這項插畫新人獎是由波隆那書展與西班牙最大的SM Foundation出版集團從2010年開始共同舉辦,意在鼓勵和發掘全世界35歲以下的年輕創作者。年度首獎得主不但會受邀於次年波隆那書展會場舉辦個展,還能獲得與SM Foundation出版集團合作發行新書的機會;2011年第二屆新人獎得主鄒駿昇因此得以推出生平第一部集結成書的繪本著作《小錫兵》,原稿也在今年書展現場的鄒駿昇個展區中展示,吸引絡繹不絕的參觀人潮。


我國駐義大利代表處代表賴建中向在場人士表示這是台灣的插畫家第一次在國際上獲得如此重要的大獎,推崇鄒駿昇是插畫界的台灣之光,也希望未來能透過更多創作和文化交流,讓世界更了解和肯定台灣。西班牙SM Foundation出版集團代表Maria Jesus Gil Iglesias則表示很榮幸能與鄒駿昇合作,編輯和發行《小錫兵》的過程雙方互動良好並且充滿樂趣;她也鼓勵台灣年輕的創作者能積極參與國際場合、勇於展現創意。

透過與SM Foundation的合作發行,鄒駿昇在本屆書展現場人氣超高,還不斷有來自日韓法等多國家版權代表探詢。從今年630起,鄒駿昇也受邀到日本舉行巡迴個展,內容除了《小錫兵》書籍及原稿外,還將展出他入圍2008《炸魚薯條》、2009《玩具槍》,以及2011年獲獎作品《羽毛》。

01 波隆那新人獎得主鄒駿昇(左)與我國駐義大利代表賴建中(中)、西班牙SM Foundation出版集團代表Maria Jesus Gil Iglesias共同出席320波隆那兒童書展台灣館的西語版《小錫兵》新書發表會。
02 波隆那去年度插畫新人獎得主鄒駿昇於320在波隆那兒童書展台灣館舉行西語版《小錫兵》新書發表會。
03 鄒駿昇西語版《小錫兵》新書發表會後已吸引不少粉絲排隊前來索取簽名。

2012年3月16日 星期五

Taiwan Shines in the 2012 Bologna Children's Book Fair light: Page Tsou, Winner of the 2011 Bologna Children’s Book Fair - Fundación SM International Award for Illustration, to Present Solo Exhibition at Taiwan Pavilion

The world-renowned Bologna Children's Book Fair will be held from March 19 to 22 this year. Already into its forty-ninth year, the Bologna Children's Book Fair attracts more than 50,000 copyright representatives from 1,200 publishers in 66 countries. The Taiwan Pavilion this year focuses on the effective combination of demonstration and copyright promotion in order to highlight Taiwan's innovative and original works and LOHAS tendency.

Page Tsou, who won the 2011 Bologna Children’s Book Fair - Fundación SM International Award for Illustration, will hold a solo exhibition at the Taiwan Pavilion and debut his latest book The Tin Soldier. The Taiwan Pavilion will simultaneously exhibit new as well as signature works by such celebrated artists, such as Jimmy Liao, Chen Chih Yuan and Sean Chuang, with the aim of promoting international copyright transactions and introducing Taiwan's highly innovative and original style to the world.

Eight Features of the Taiwan Pavilion
The Little Beauty from Taiwan

The Taiwan Pavilion at the Bologna Children's Book Fair, sponsored by the Government Information Office (GIO) of the Executive Yuan and organized by the Taipei Book Fair Foundation (TBFF), features a total of eight booths in an area of 128 square meters. The image "The Little Beauty from Taiwan" continues the main visual theme of the pavilion created by world-renowned illustrator Jimmy Liao. It is expected to attract a large crowd of visitors while demonstrating Taiwan's unique style.

This year the features of the pavilion under the theme “Fun Adventure” are projected to manifest the diversity, creativity and strength of Taiwan's publishing culture, including: "Recommended Illustrators", "New Titles", "Page Tsou's Solo Exhibition", "Exhibitors", "Digital Publishing", and "Titles with Foreign Languages Sales", as well as calling for exhibitors to the 2013 Taipei International Book Exhibition. This year the Taiwan Pavilion sees the participation of 45 publishers, exhibiting a total of 255 books, including: 156 from the participating exhibitors, 51 from "New Titles", 34 from "Titles with Foreign Languages Sales", and 16 from "Digital Publishing". In addition, the booth "Titles with Foreign Languages Sales" will demonstrate Taiwan's creative strength in picture books and robust development in copyright transactions.

The 2012 Bologna Children's Book Fair Taiwan Pavilion features 12 professional publishers, including Brilliant International Group, Commonwealth Publishing Group, Heryin Publishing Corp., Hsin Yi Publications, Little Newton Science Education Limited Company, Locus Publishing Company, Moker Information Technology Co., Ltd., Ophaya Technology Corporation, Sharp Point Press, Tianbu Culture and Art Foundation, Tong Li Publishing Co., Ltd., Topuser International Co., Ltd., and the Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission (RDEC), Executive Yuan, who have appointed professional representatives for this event, demonstrating their confidence in promoting international copyright transactions for children's books.

The Taiwan Pavilion has also planned a couple of exciting events during the course of the book fair. The opening party will be held on March 19 at 2:30 p.m., with various distinguished guests, including Taiwan's representative in Italy, renowned publishing professionals, book fair organizers and international media. Moreover, Page Tsou will launch the international edition of his new book The Tin Soldier the next day. The launch party will be held by prestigious Spanish publisher Fundación SM inside the Taiwan Pavilion, with the attendance of representatives from the Taiwanese government's overseas offices, as well as from the international publishing associations, press and media.

Page Tsou, Selected for the Bologna Children's Book Fair Twice in Three Years, Won the 2011 International Award for Illustration

Taiwanese illustrator Page Tsou won the 2011 Bologna Children's Book Fair - Fundación SM International Award for Illustration, with a prize of US$30,000. This award, given to illustrators under the age of 35, is one of the most prestigious awarded at the Bologna Children's Book Fair and this is the first time for a Taiwanese artist to win this honor.

Page Tsou's latest book The Tin Soldier continues the artist's focus on war and peace, as shown in his previous work at last year's book fair, but this time he casts a one-foot-tall paramedic as the protagonist. The background is London during World War II, and the storyline follows the development of Andersen's classic tale of the same name. The ending, however, has changed: the tin soldier is not tragically burned to death, but escapes from the battlefield along with the heroine. The focus is no longer on the attachment between the two protagonists, but on the different angles from which a story can be viewed, including spatial and temporal. The many metaphors about war and peace in this book serve to illustrate the contradictions of human nature.

Page Tsou first drew attention at Bologna in 2008 with Chip & Fishes and was invited to exhibit his works in Japan and Chicago. Later he was approached by the Walt Disney Company for the creation of a Snow White with distinct Taiwanese characteristics. Italian Orecchio Acerbo and British Phaidon also sought his cooperation, and Spain's OQO invited him to create children's books for them. This time he will return to Bologna as a celebrated prizewinner, which is expected to bring him more opportunities with international publishers.

This year, the Taiwan Pavilion will also introduce the important works of three other illustrators. Among them is the world-famous Jimmy Liao, whose books have been translated and published in the United States, France, Germany, Greece, Korea, Japan and Thailand. His recent cooperation with British Walker Books sees the publication of The Monster Who Ate Darkness and The World Champion of Staying Awake. Chen Chih Yuan, who has garnished awards from the US National Council for Teacher Education, Publishers Weekly, Japan Library Association, and Taiwan's Golden Tripod, has successfully sold his Mimi series to France, the United States, Finland, Spain, Denmark and the Netherlands. This also marks the first time that Chinese-language children's book have been introduced to Finland, Denmark and Israel, further enhancing Chen Chih Yuan's status as an international writer.

The period 2010 – 2011 was a banner year for Taiwan's original comics. In addition to the serialization of various comics artists' works in Japan, Taiwanese comics also met with immense popularity with European readers at the Chambéry BD in France. The Taiwan Pavilion will exhibit works by this year's focus comics artist Sean Chuang. Chuang, who used to be an animator, has shot over 300 commercial films, all with a style of his own. His comics, though slow and painstaking in the making, have also met with great acclaim in recent years. For example, his Film Maker's Notes, published over a decade ago, has been widely praised for its refreshing style. The Window, which took him ten years to finish and publish in print and iphone/ipad editions, has already been sold to Spain and France, among other countries. At the Angoulême International Comics Festival in France, Chuang's works also attracted a wide audience. Graphic novels of his genre have been a global phenomenon in the comics book/illustrated novel industry in recent years. He is currently working on his third book, My 1980s (tentative title). The rich creativity and potential found in Chuang's comics will surely be a pleasant surprise at this year's Bologna Children's Book Fair!

2012年3月1日 星期四

2012 波隆那兒童書展 台灣館書單公佈

2012年波隆那兒童書展於319至22日舉行,台灣館由行政院新聞局主辦、台北書展基金會承辦,以「台灣好好玩 Fun Adventure」為主題,於31公佈完整書單。

台灣館展區,主題書區分為 4 大專區:
(1) 台灣出版社專區
(2) 新鮮書推薦區
(3) 已授權作品展示區
(4) 數位出版專區


2012年2月29日 星期三


2012年義大利波隆那兒童書展【參展工作證】購票辦法,依大會規定僅接受線上刷卡訂票,台北書展基金會將無法提供代購服務!! 參展出版社及專業人員需各別登入大會官方網站完成電子票購票註冊程序,大會將於刷卡繳款確認後寄出您的電子票。請務必列印電子票券隨身擕帶,以備入場時查核!!


2天用參展證:€ 30.00   
4天用參展證:€ 45.00  
天用參展證 : € 40.00
天用參展證 : € 60.00

2012 義大利波隆書展台灣館: 參展出版社名單公佈

2012年義大利波隆那兒童書展將於2012.03.1903.22舉行。台灣館主題為「東方小美人 ─ 台灣好好玩 Fun Adventure,在國內出版社踴躍報名參與下,共有13家出版社入選台灣館「參展出版社」專區。名單如下:


波隆那兒童書展台灣館主辦單位為行政院新聞局,承辦單位為台北書展基金會,2012 台灣館的規劃分為8個專區,2月17日截止收件報名後,首先公佈13家入選參展出版社名單,並將由學者專家進行各類主題書區評選,於3月2日公佈主題書區參展書籍名單。